Here you will find useful information on a range of systems and processes to support you with your studies at UOW College. Find out more below.
Moodle is UOW's online learning environment. It is where you can access your subject content, collaborate with your peers and submit or complete assignments, and participate in discussions.
When you study at the university, you will be able to access Moodle sites for each of your subjects and for some extracurricular activities.
To learn more watch some user videos below:
Student Online Services (SOLS) is where you will manage your enrolment (e.g. change and enrol in subjects).
You can use SOLS when you need too:
- Updating your personal details
- Manage your enrolment record (including enrolling in your subjects each session)
- Viewing your results
- Academic Consideration
- Access your e-learning sites
- Checking your SOLS mail
It is also one of the key ways the University will communicate with you through SOLSMail messages. It’s a good idea to get into a habit of checking your SOLSMail regularly.
UOWMail and SOLSMail are two different things. You need to check both regularly.
If your subject offers Echo360, you can use a web browser on a computer or mobile device to access your recorded lectures and other learning materials.
To access your subject Echo 360 lecture recordings, click on the Echo360 icon located either at the top of your Moodle site as an activity or within the individual weeks/topics.
Your UOWmail account ( is the primary way you'll communicate with the University by email. With UOWMail you can also download the entire Microsoft Office suite for free on up to five personal devices and store heaps of your data on OneDrive.
More information about UOWMail is available on the user account page.
Turnitin is an electronic text matching software used by the university to prevent plagiarism. There are certain assignments and activities that may require you to submit via the Turnitin Moodle activity.
Turnitin is used to check the originality of papers and the correctness of citation practices in your work as well as providing a platform for comprehensive feedback about your academic writing and assessment marks. You are also able to view all your feedback and grades submitted via Turnitin.